Disk Defragmenter

When the system stores data on disk, the data is stored on disk and randomly on the part closest to the hard disk head. This will speed up the writing process because the heads do not need to sort the data placement, which would certainly speed up the writing and storage.  

 What do Usability Disk Defragmenter:

Disk defragmenter will rearrange the placement of the structure of the data on your hard disk and will be sorted according to the alphabetic start from the beginning to track the final track. That way, the process of reading data through the head on the disk will be faster than ever because the heads do not need to jump from one track to another track to read the data.

Disk defragmenter will rearrange the placement of the structure of the data on your hard disk and will be sorted according to the alphabetic start from the beginning to track the final track. That way, the process of reading data through the head on the disk will be faster than ever because the heads do not need to jump from one track to another track to read the data.
How to use the Disk Defragmenter.

There are two ways to find the Disk Defragmenter in Windows 7. First, meu click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System tools -> Disk Defragmenter. 

Second, click the Start menu and type in the form Defragment Search. 
 In the Disk Defragmenter window, you will see that will defragment partitions, including the hidden partition created by Windows 7. 

If you want to see apakak a partition is necessary to defrag or not to click the Analyze button Disk. 

The results of this analysis can be used as a reference if a partition is necessary to defrag or not. Although the analysis results show that a partition does not need to defragment, you can still do a defrag the partition. Select the partition where you want to defrag and click Defragment Disk button to start the defrag your hard disk partitions. 
  How to Schedule the Disk Defragmenter. 

As we wrote earlier, the new features on the disk defragment windows 7 allows you to schedule when to defragment the disk is done. No need to defrag manually because the system will do so in accordance with the schedule you entered.

 By default, the system will perform defragment your hard disk every week. But you can change it to your liking or not at all to schedule defragmenting the hard disk drive. 

In addition, the system also allows you to choose the partition which will be included by the system during the disk defragment. 


Disk defragment the hard disk drive is necessary to accelerate the overall performance of a system. No need to manually melaklukan because you can schedule this job on windows 7 operating system. If you possess any questions or want to share the experience with disk defragment in windows 7, please leave a comment below.
If you want to know Windows 7 is original or not on a notebook or computer, follow the steps below:
  • Open a comand prompt by clicking the Start button, select Run and type CMD followed by the Enter key.
  • Type slmgr then press the Enter key. This command will not provide any information because the command itself is not yet complete. Windows itself will provide precise information how to enter the correct code.
  • Now let's take press slmgr / DLI at the command prompt. This command will provide simple information about the licensing of Windows on a computer or notebook.
  • Continue by typing the command slmgr / DLV on the DOS command. This command will tell Windows to display the details of the Windows license that you're using.
  • Furthermore, type slmgr / XPR on jendea CMD. With this you can know when the Windows license will expire. If you are using the trial version, Windows will give information when your Windows license expires. 
 The results of my experiment
    Display Experiment

      But these tips you can use as a reference if you have problems during registration of Windows to Microsoft.


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    RAM (Random Access Memory) the computer to function as a means of data storage required to run the command processor computer users when using an application.

    Until now there are three types of DDR RAM is DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3. Then what is the difference between DDR, DDR2 and DDR3?

    Let's look at three different DDR RAM.


    DDR (double data rate) RAM memory that generation 1 is started using the technology double clock cycle. This is different from SDR (single data rate) RAM which is only capable of performing a single clock cycle. DDR RAM so it can transfer data twice as fast.
    DDR RAM is there are several types such as DDR-200 (it has a memory clock of 100 MHz), DDR-266 (having a 133 MHz memory clock), DDR-333 (having a memory clock of 166 MHz) and DDR-400 (it has a memory clock 200 MHz) . The frequency of transfers that can be produced only between 200-400 MHz DDR1.

    DDR RAM version 1 was developed from 1996 to 2000.


    DDR2 RAM has a clock cycle twice more. That is, his ability two times faster than DDR1. Stretched his memory clock from 100 MHz to 266 MHz. This type has a default name DDR2 DDR2-400, DDR2-533, DDR2-667, DDR2-800 and DDR2-1066. And frequency transfer between 400-1966 MHz.

    While DDR3 RAM, in terms of its memory clock to DDR2 is not much different that is from 100 MHz to 266 MHz. The difference lies higher transfer frequencies reaching 2133 MHz (DDR2 maximum of only up to 1066 MHz) and a more efficient voltage is only 1.5v (1.8v DDR2 and DDR voltages requires 1 with 2.5/2.6v).


    VirtualBox is a virtualization program open source and free. Basically, it is like having a complete and separate computer inside your computer. You can install the operating system on it, including Windows 7.

    VirtualBox, virtualisation cross-platform output devices Sun Microsystems now comes with the latest version.
    Latest version of Sun's VirtualBox has been announced by Sun Microsystems. VirtualBox is vesi 3., Seria, Â recently introduced is carrying the ability to "Teleport" first in the virtualization industry.

    Starting from the ease of moving a virtual machine that was in operation (uninterrupted host differences, including different OS), differences in computer class (from server to client), to different CPUs (eg Intel to AMD).

    As per the changing times, now more and more companies are hoping to provide services through the computer in 24 hours a week. capabilities that are offered by VirtualBox try to make it easier for systems administrators to make improvements zero downtime on their IT systems.

    Addition of the "Teleport" is undoubtedly also can improve the performance of SMP and large workload capabilities. Yes, VirtualBox 3.1 displays feature a complete enterprise hypervisor nan. Thus, the function of "Teleport" here is to help the virtual machines achieve high availability.
    Once the hardware must be removed, then the virtual workload can be in the "Teleport" to another host with ease.

    Another advantage VirtualBox 3.1 is able to increase the speed of implementation with optimized memory, so as to boost the performance improvement of 30% than the previous version. Also equipped with more powerful snapshotting features to help systems administrators to move virtual machines in a timely manner to the condition of any s

    How To Hack Facebook

    This is the easiest way of hacking facebook you will ever meet. Starting from the curiosity and want to know end up trying to memperaktekkannya.

    The easiest hack facebook by Fake Login
    Pirated Facebook

    What do you see? A facebook site right? Well really just a different link ... just name it is called with Fake Login ... from here we're going to steal another person's account ... understand?

    1. Download this file first to create a Fake Login

    2. You extract all the files that are inside your trus ... Hasting files uploaded to the service, if you are confused try list (Sign Up) here first, Byethost, Ripway when it continues to stay Upload all the files below to create a Fake Log in.

    There are 3 files are:

    - Index.html
    - Logs.php
    - Logs.txt


    Rename / replace the index.html file formats into index.txt ...
    then you press CTRL + F and search for posts
    Replace the paper with the address where you host directory "facebook". suppose to be:

    when it do not forget to save.

    After that earlier in the index.txt file rename / change the format again be index.html then upload ...!

    3. If you've uploaded all the files over now, you try to live by clicking the index.html file (eg klo only: 20login.html).

    4. Make a fake email by providing admin frills facebook objective that the victim believed. example: / / admin.fb @

    5. Continue to download the contents of an email message to fake here. (File.doc)

    6. Open the contents of the file. Then replace the name of Love the red with your name and replace the red with your fake email address. Continues at the URL:

    The blue dressing with fake login page URL that you created. example:

    7. After all you are editing, look for the victim now lives in a way to send the contents of the message to the email address of the victim .. The email address + password of the victim will come naturally to a fake email or on your Logs.txt if the victim deceived.

    That's how to hack facebook ......... thank you