Words of wisdom

 Appreciate what we have today, because after he left we became aware of how much she meant and if he goes hard for us to get it back. Do not ever leave the people we love for people we like, because someday that person will leave you.

Before we blame others, then realize your mistake first. if you want someone to love you the way you want it to love that person first. relationship was not always smooth but really beautiful and of the differences that we may be able to think better and more mature and take advantage of an error into truth.

When the sun rises, we feel the heat did not even want to look at him but at sunset we realize just how beautiful, as well as someone who comes to fill the
our days.we feel normal, but when he goes then we realized he was very mean. therefore love the people who currently loves you before he left, because he might go after you love her

Do not cry when you're not in love, but weep when you can not love those who love, choose love do not even think why you love him because in this world we are not looking for perfect people make love but love in a perfect way

Love does not come from an audition, but love comes from the heart, love came not to be hurt but love comes to love each other

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